Super Absorb - you can pay Gems to use this function up to 3 times per Absorb. When you do, the Spelunker gains levels in his perks as if he Absorbed, but the learning progress is not reset. You can Absorb anytime to reset his learning progress and gain levels in the perks. Every time the progress bar fills, he accumulates knowledge in form of points. Sitty Chair (Construction, Yellow Domain)Īside from digging through the tunnels, a Spelunker can be learning to gain various perks, which improves their performance.The following is a list of ways to improve Spelunking: Dig - once he reaches the end of the tunnel, he can Dig Down for more depth.Speed - he moves faster through the tunnel, reaching lower depth sooner.Value - the bag value grows faster, so he finds rarer bags sooner.Spelunkers depend on 3 stats during their Jumps: Choosing to Dig Down will sacrifice any loot they have found to increase the length of their tunnel. Once they reach the end of their tunnel, another option becomes available. At any time, you can press Extract to make the spelunker return and open their bag of loot. Along the way, they will pick up loot and store it in their bag. Jump will send the spelunker to explore a tunnel. You might want to stop at some of the earlier ones for more drops of The Mark and Temper Obol. NOTE: Currently the higher Mach number the bag is, the less Rare Chance it has.

can still be found every power of 10 Value - each slightly increases the amount of drops. This means Sigil is the highest type of Treasure that can regularly drop. The final two Treasures, The Mark and Temper Obol can only be acquired through Rare Chance.

Sack Mach 10 is the highest tier bag that can be found, but 11, 12, 13, etc. There are four Spelunking Cards that can improve these odds. The final two Treasures, The Mark and Temper Obol can only be acquired through Rare Chance. This phenomenon can stack upon itself, resulting in a Treasure two tiers higher. Rare Chance: every Treasure in a bag has a low chance to become a Treasure one tier higher, as indicated by the gold star percentage. Treasure: what type of Treasure is in the bag and its quantity. Value: bags become higher rarity every power of 10 Value. Upgrading Value stat and Learning perk #2 on spelunkers increases its gain rate. You can have up to 8 Spelunkers, who can perform two actions under Delve menu Jump or Learn.

In Spelunking, you acquire a variety of Treasure, which you use to improve your delvers, buy Construction upgrades or other things throughout the game.